ESSDA AGM Update 06/09/20

Firstly, we would like to thank all of our members who joined our online AGM on Saturday 29th August 2020, your participation was much appreciated.

Following the AGM, we would like to update our membership with the following:

Both Piia Korpi and PJ McLeod stood down from the Board at the AGM and we would like to say a huge thank you to both Piia and PJ for their support and dedication to ESSDA over last few years, we look forward to seeing them on the dance floor for many years to come. Unfortunately we did not receive any formal nominations to replace their positions in this years election. With this in mind, the board have decided to co-opt Marion Chambon (FR) to join the Board for 2020/21, with a view to her standing for election for one further year at the next available AGM in 2021. Marion was present at this years AGM when the Board’s intentions to Co-opt her were shared with the members present. The Board is currently looking for another female or non-binary ESSDA member who might be interested in being co-opted onto the Board to ensure our community remains diversely represented. If you are interested, then please write to us expressing your interest.

There were two other candidates standing for other positions and we are pleased to announce that Pete Meager was re-elected to the Board along with Mark Hebell who was elected for the very first time (following a short period of having been co-opted onto the Board). Both Pete and Mark will now serve for two years as newly elected members of the Board.

The remaining Board members were not due for election in 2020, a full list of the newly formed Board can be found:

We had new sub-committees agreed at the AGM and if any other member is interested in joining one of our new or existing sub-committees then we invite you to contact the relevant Board members below to express your interest. We will be uploading a full sub-committee members list shortly but below is a list of the current sub-committee focus areas as well as the assigned Board leads:

  • Show Dance & Formation Competition Rules (Pat Sharkey) – including Senior age categories
  • Public Relations & Communications (Pete Meager)
  • Competitions (Pete Meager & Davy Brocatus)
  • Inclusivity & Wider Community Engagement (Marion Chambon)
  • Rebrand & Refocus towards ‘Equality Dancing’ (Pete Meager)
  • Outreach (Michal Vanicek)

Board contacts can be found:

The membership present approved the new ESSDA Showdance & Formation Competition Rules 29.08.20 and these can be found:

The newly approved IFSSDA Competition Rules were presented and can also be viewed on our website. These are due to be used for the first time at the ‘World Pride Cup’ in Orlando in 2021 with a view to be used for the World Championships at the 11th Gay Games in Hong Kong in 2022.

If you have any questions, then please feel free to contact us – we are keen to hear from the membership throughout the year to help us move forward together in collaboration.

Best Wishes

Your ESSDA Board for 2020/21