Dear UKEDC Members,
Welcome to the UKEDC April Newsletter 2022
Committee update:
I am delighted to tell you that Lori Pearce-Altendorff, and Thorsten Dreyer have been co-opted onto the Committee. This now brings us up to the full complement of nine committee members. We welcome them and look forward to their input.
Each of the sub-committees has started meeting again. If you are interested in joining one of them, please let the relevant committee member know –
Tom for governance; Roswitha for activities, Malcolm for social development and me for education.
As you have seen on the UKEDC Community Facebook page, we are planning to hold an Anniversary Gala Ball on the 24th September at the The Dilly on Piccadilly in London. Please keep this date safe, as we are hoping that you will all be there, with your partners/guests.
Please see below for more details.
London Pride is due to take place on 2 July. Phil Marsden and Tony Bird have organised a group of dancers at the Pride Parade for several years and have registered to have a group again this year. We are working with them to include the UKEDC members in their group. More details will follow in due course.
Do remember to check our calendar for dates of social dances and competitions and let us know of any events that we should include.
We look forward to seeing you all on the dance floor, wherever you are in the country.
Membership fees are now due
With the new membership year starting from 1 April, membership fees are now due for renewal which you can do through our website. We are always looking to increase membership, so, please tell your friends about us. We would welcome members from outside London. After all the UK is a big country. To help with this some of our sub-committee members come from Oxford, Manchester and Birmingham.
With very best wishes
Chair, UKEDC